Thursday, April 3, 2008

Welcome to 2005 Jason!

Well I have wanted a website for my photography for a some time now but have been super lazy and never gotten around to actually creating one.

Well I spoke to a young lady the other day while getting a picture matted, she explained her blog to me and how easy it was to create and maintain. So I started thinking.

If I had a blog instead of a website, it would cause me to shoot more pictures and make sure I update the blog more than I would a website. I think blogs are a little more personal anyway. I mean people have been blogging for years now right? I think its about time I become part of this movement.

So I hope to have this thing figured out by the weekend and maybe even have another post here. My goal is to make a new post, a picture and a small story behind the picture, every few days. This gives me a chance to share some of my work and gives me a reason to pick up my cameras a little more than I have been.

I hope you all will keep an eye on this and please let me know what you think. If you see me slacking off on it, dont hessitate to call me or email me and tell me to straighten up!

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