It's that time of day again. When the whole family gets together and sits down at the dinner table for a nice, warm, home cooked meal.
Who am I kidding? I cant remember the last time we actually used the dinner table to eat.
It is a pretty rare sight now a days to see families sitting at a table, sharing a meal unless its in a restaurant. Families just do not have enough time in a day anymore to spend quality time with each other.
1 comment:
You are so right Jason. Everyone is so busy now days. But as a mother of two, a daughters who is a three sport freshman in high school and a 12 year old boy who also play every sport imaginable to man, we make a point in our family to sit down at least 3 nights a week for a family dinner. After all it is time well spent, you just have to schedule it into you day. Great picture by the way, takes me back to "Leave it to Beaver".
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