Everyone remebers their first concert, and who could blame them. The excitement of seeing one of your favorite bands up close and live. Getting to buy a t-shirt to prove you were there and maybe having the chance to get your new shirt signed by the band!
Well I still remember my first concert but as I was going through older photographs and came accross my first concert I ever photographed. They werent a well known band but they were my friends and as soon as they werre able to play at the Norva they felt as thought they had reciever a little break. Alizon Device asked me if I would photograph their big night and I agrreed with excitement. Having never photographed a concert before I knew I had to be on my A game.
Above you will see my 2 favorite pictueres of the night. I think they convey the raw feeling and power af a good rock concert.
1 comment:
Cool pics! How are the rest of ours coming? Hope to see you all soon!
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