Saturday, June 14, 2008




Everyone remebers their first concert, and who could blame them. The excitement of seeing one of your favorite bands up close and live. Getting to buy a t-shirt to prove you were there and maybe having the chance to get your new shirt signed by the band!

Well I still remember my first concert but as I was going through older photographs and came accross my first concert I ever photographed. They werent a well known band but they were my friends and as soon as they werre able to play at the Norva they felt as thought they had reciever a little break. Alizon Device asked me if I would photograph their big night and I agrreed with excitement. Having never photographed a concert before I knew I had to be on my A game.

Above you will see my 2 favorite pictueres of the night. I think they convey the raw feeling and power af a good rock concert.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Congratulations Austin!

You guys are going to have to bear with me here because I think this just might be the longest post yet! Rightfully so, because words can not describe how proud I am.

My son Austin's first year of school is finally over!!!

Today he graduated from his Pre-K class at Sherwood Forest Elem. School. Pre-k class of 2008!

As you can see he was ready to go. He was very excited to be going into kindergarten next school year.


We showed up to the school right at 8am and Austin wasted no time in getting ready. He was the only one to wear a cap and gown. A proud grandma (my mom) just could not see a graduation taking place without a cap and gown, so she had a gown made. Austin wore my cap from my high school graduation and it worked out perfectly.

We left Austin in his class and went to get the best seats we could find in the auditorium. It seemed like it took for ever for the kids to get there but they soon arrived walking right down the middle isle in a single file line!


There was a song that had to be sung before the ceremony took place. Austin didnt wear his cap and gown for the song however.


After the song, the ceremony was ready to take place. My mom pulled Austin to the side in order to put his cap and gown on before she rushed him back to his seat.

I wasn't too sure how good these photos were going to turn out because the whole time I was taking pictures I was pretty teary eyed. Its hard to believe that this was his first year in school much less that it was already over. Parents always say, they grow up so fast, but I don't think a person can really understand that until they themselves are parents.


After getting his diploma his smile grew even more.

After the graduation it was time for a little celebration. What better time to hang out with your friends and share the excitement of the day?


After all the excitement of the morning wore off, it was time to go home and relax for the day. After all the hard work Austin put into this school year, I think he deserves a little break before getting ready for the new adventures of kindergarten that await him in just 3 short months.


I know your not going to read this right now Austin, but when you finally do, you will know how proud I have been of you since the very beginning.

I love you buddy,

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A boy and his kite

Some times the smallest things will make you feel like a kid again. Today was a wonderful day to go fly a kite. So that's just what we did.

It was nice to get away from everyhing, even if just for a few hours, and remember the joys of being a little kid again.